Monday, July 8, 2013

At the starting line....again

I feel I have to begin with a disclaimer. While I've wanted to start a blog for quite a while, I never quite figured out exactly what I wanted to share. Like most women, I love to discuss any number of topics.....but in this world of instant news, combined with my inherent ADD like qualities, I could never pinpoint just what would be both interesting to me and to any audience "demographic". Today, as I come off a short holiday to NYC with my husband, daughter and son-in-law, my thoughts are back to the sort of, "hmm, what shall I do with the rest of my summer?" I began today with a slow start, coffee, biscotti, email and the Today show. By the time I decided I needed to kick start my day, it was approaching 85 outside. My resolve to work out by running began to dissolve. I have never been an athlete.Only in my thirties did I begin to attempt a regular exercise routine. The infancy of my routine consisted of pushing a stroller or walking the dog. Running was my eternal nemesis. I never worked up to more than 25 minutes of jogging. Last summer I managed almost three months of insanity, in which I continually repeated the first months DVDs. While it did produce results, it wasn't something I wanted to maintain. My only reason for doing it was to lose a few inches for my daughter's wedding. I chose Insanity because I could work out in the summer,in the basement,with a huge fan blasting,instead of trying to work out in the hot and humid outdoors. Now I've returned again to running, but I have to admit, the heat and humidity are making it tough. Did I mention I'll be turning 60 in August? My husband says it's only a number (he's much younger, so I tend to dismiss his philosophy on aging). I know there are many out there much older than I am who manage to have a decent running routine. I'd love to hear from more of those people and learn from them. I was biking for about two years, and could never break the 14mile barrier. I say that as if there is such a phenomenon. It probably only exists in my head. So, as I am perched here on the first day of a blog, I am still in my running attire, trying to recover from thirty minutes of walk/running, of which only 3/10ths was running! I know it's a start, but prior to a bout with what my Dr. said was probably pneumonia in early June, I was at an almost 1:1 ratio of walking:running. I'm not disheartened, its just that I never seem to develop any great fondness for running. I just want to become more fit. I'm also doing weights and or yoga on off days. All are a challenge and that's as it should be, right? Now on to one of my other summer projects, a diy attempt to refinish an oak Windsor style dining room set. I need all the advice I can summon about how to refinish it to look somewhat distressed and to have a darker stain. I think I've got a plan, but for now its sand, sand, and sand some more! Hope your summer plans are working out and that you're enjoying the lazy, hazy days!! Susan